4.30 How to detect a bounding box for an object in cv::Mat of OpenCV?

As a simple application of OpenCV APIs, we consider to find a bounding box for an object in cv:Mat of OpenCV. In this example, we have applied the following OpenCV APIs and operations to cv::Mat to find a bounding box.

1. Apply cv::EdgePreseringFilter to an originalImage of cv::Mat format.

2. Apply cv::cvtColor to the the filtered Image to get a grayImage.

3. Apply cv::Canny Edge Detector to the grayImage.

4. Apply cv::FindContours to the edgeDetectedImage to find contours.

5. Apply cv::approxPolyDP to the contours to get approximate polygonal coordinates.

6. Get bounding rectangles from the contours polygonal coordinates.

7. Find a single maximum rectangle from the bounding rectanglese set.

For simplicity, we have not used NMS alogrithm in the operation 7 in this program.

The following BoundingBoxDetector is a simple example to implement above operations to detect a single bounding box for an object in cv::Mat image. In practive, this is a very primitive method, but it shows a decent result for an object with a simple background as shown bellow.

 * BoundingBoxDetector.cpp 
 * Copyright (c) 2018 Antillia.com TOSHIYUKI ARAI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

#define _CONSOLE_

#include <sol/ModuleFileName.h>
#include <sol/DropFiles.h>
#include <sol/LabeledTrackBar.h>
#include <sol/FileDialog.h>
#include <sol/StringT.h>
#include <sol/opencv/OpenCVApplicationView.h>
#include <sol/opencv/OpenCVImageView.h>

namespace SOL {

class MainView :public OpenCVApplicationView {

  //Inner class starts.
  class OriginalImageView :public OpenCVImageView {
    cv::Mat originalImage;
    cv::Mat& getMat()
      return originalImage;
    void display()
    OriginalImageView(View* parent, const char* name, Args& args)
    :OpenCVImageView(parent, name, args)
      try {
        const char* filename = (const char*)args.get(XmNimageFileName);
        int imageLoadingFlag = args.get(XmNimageLoadingFlag);

        originalImage = readImage(filename, imageLoadingFlag);
      } catch (SOL::Exception ex) {
    void loadImage(const char* filename, int imageLoadingFlag=CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
      try {
        originalImage = readImage(filename, imageLoadingFlag);
      } catch (Exception& ex) {
  class DetectedImageView :public OpenCVImageView {
    cv::Mat originalImage;
    cv::Mat edgePreserved;
    cv::Mat grayImage;
    cv::Mat cannyEdgedImage;    
    cv::Mat detectedImage;

    cv::Mat& getMat()
      return detectedImage;
    void display()
    DetectedImageView(View* parent, const char* name, Args& args)
    :OpenCVImageView(parent, name, args)
      try {
        const char* filename = (const char*)args.get(XmNimageFileName);
        int imageLoadingFlag = args.get(XmNimageLoadingFlag);
        loadImage(filename, imageLoadingFlag);       
      } catch (SOL::Exception ex) {

    void applyEdgePreservedFilter(double sigmaColor, double sigmaSpace, 
                           cv::Mat& image, cv::Mat& filtered )
      try {
        int flag = RECURS_FILTER ; //NORMCONV_FILTER is very slow;
            sigmaSpace,        //(double)SIGMA_SPACE, 
            sigmaColor/100.0f); //(double)SIGMA_COLOR/100.0f);
      } catch (cv::Exception& ex) {
        ; //Ignore
    void loadImage(const char* filename, int imageLoadingFlag=CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
      try {
        originalImage = readImage( filename, imageLoadingFlag );
        detectedImage = originalImage.clone(); //create( originalImage.size(), originalImage.type() );

      } catch(Exception& ex) {
    void detectEdge(double sigmaColor, double sigmaSpace, double threshold1, double threshold2)
      Mat threshold_output;
      vector<vector<Point> > contours;
      vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
      //1 Apply EdgePreservedFilter to originalImage.
      applyEdgePreservedFilter(sigmaColor, sigmaSpace, originalImage, edgePreserved);
      //2 Convert it to grayImage.
      cv::cvtColor(edgePreserved, grayImage, COLOR_BGR2GRAY );

      //3 Apply Canny edge detector to the grayImage.
      cv::Canny(grayImage, cannyEdgedImage, threshold1, threshold2);
      //4 Find contours from the detectedImage.
      cv::findContours(cannyEdgedImage, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0) );

      vector<vector<Point> > contours_poly( contours.size() );
      vector<Rect> boundRect( contours.size() );
      //5 Get approximate polygonal coordinates from the contours, and
      // bounding rectangles from the contours_polygons.
      for( int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ ) { 
        cv::approxPolyDP( Mat(contours[i]), contours_poly[i], 3, true );
        boundRect[i] = boundingRect( Mat(contours_poly[i]) );
      detectedImage = originalImage.clone();
      //6 Find minimum x and y, and maximum w and h from the boundRect array.
      int width  = detectedImage.size().width;
      int height = detectedImage.size().height;
      int x = width, y = height, w = 0, h = 0;
      int sx = width, sy = height, ex = 0, ey = 0;
      for( int i = 0; i< contours.size(); i++ )  {
        int xx = boundRect[i].x;
        int yy = boundRect[i].y;
        int ww = boundRect[i].width;
        int hh = boundRect[i].height;
        int area = ww * hh;
        int MIN_AREA = 10;
        int MIN_X    = 10;
        int MIN_Y    = 10;
        if (area > MIN_AREA) {
          if (xx < sx && xx > MIN_X)
            sx = xx;
          if (yy < sy && yy > MIN_Y)
            sy = yy;
          if (xx > ex) 
            ex = xx;
          if (yy > ey)
            ey = yy;
      int endx = x + w;
      if (endx >= width)
       endx = width;
      int endy = y + h;
      if (endy >= height)
       endy = height;
      int eex = sx + ex;
      int eey = sy + ey;
      if (eex > width)
        eex = width - 4;
      if (eey > height)
        eey = height- 4;
      //7 Draw a rectangle having a start Point(sx, sy) and end Point(ex, ey) on the contourImage.
      cv::rectangle(detectedImage, Point(sx, sy), Point(ex, ey), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0 );

  //Inner class ends.
  StringT<char>                imageFile;
  StringT<char>                savedImageFile;
  SmartPtr<OriginalImageView>  originalImage;
  SmartPtr<DetectedImageView>  detectedImage;
  static const int             SIGMA_COLOR_MAX =200;
  int                          sigmaColor;
  SmartPtr<LabeledTrackBar>    sigmaColorTrackBar;
  static const int             SIGMA_SPACE_MAX=100;
  int                          sigmaSpace;
  SmartPtr<LabeledTrackBar>    sigmaSpaceTrackBar;
  static const int             THRESHOLD1_MAX = 300;
  int                          threshold1;
  SmartPtr<LabeledTrackBar>    threshold1TrackBar;
  static const int             THRESHOLD2_MAX = 300;
  int                          threshold2;
  SmartPtr<LabeledTrackBar>    threshold2TrackBar;
  FileDialog                   filedlg;
  void updateCaption()
    char caption[MAX_PATH];
    sprintf_s(caption, CountOf(caption), "%s - %s", 
          (const char*)imageFile, 

  //Horizontal Scroll event by threshold1TrackBar and threshold2TrackBar.
  void commonTrackBarCallback(Action& action)
    sigmaColor = sigmaColorTrackBar -> getPosition();
    sigmaSpace = sigmaSpaceTrackBar -> getPosition();
    threshold1 = threshold1TrackBar->getPosition();
    threshold2 = threshold2TrackBar->getPosition();
    detectedImage -> detectEdge((double)sigmaColor, (double)sigmaSpace, 
                        (double)threshold1, (double)threshold2);

  void resize(int w, int h)
    if (originalImage && detectedImage &&
          sigmaColorTrackBar && sigmaSpaceTrackBar &&
          threshold1TrackBar && threshold2TrackBar) {
      originalImage      -> reshape(2,            2,  (w-170)/2-1,    h-4);
      detectedImage      -> reshape((w-160)/2+1,  2,  (w-170)/2-1,    h-4);
      sigmaColorTrackBar -> reshape(w-165 + 10,  10,      155, 70);
      sigmaSpaceTrackBar -> reshape(w-165 + 10,  10+70,   155, 70);
      threshold1TrackBar -> reshape(w-165 + 10,  10+70*2, 155, 70);
      threshold2TrackBar -> reshape(w-165 + 10,  10+70*3, 155, 70);

  void openFile(const char* filename)
    try {
      originalImage  -> loadImage(filename);
      detectedImage  -> loadImage(filename);
      const char* fname = strrchr(filename, '\\');
      if (fname) {
      imageFile = fname;
      detectedImage -> detectEdge((double)sigmaColor, (double)sigmaSpace, 
                        (double)threshold1, (double)threshold2);
      savedImageFile = "";
    } catch (Exception& ex) {
  void dropFiles(Action& action)
    char fileName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    DropFiles drop((HDROP)action.getWParam());
    //fileName[0] = ZERO;
    int num = drop.queryFile(0, fileName, CountOf(fileName));
    if(num > 0) {
      if (filedlg.isImageFileName(fileName)) {
      } else {        
        bringUp(); //Activate and raise this view
        showErrorDialog("Invalid image filename", fileName,  MB_OK);

  void confirm(Action& action)
    int rc = MessageBox(NULL, "Are you sure to close this window?", "Confirmation", 
    if (rc == IDOK) {
  MainView(OpenCVApplication& applet, const char* name, Args& args)
  :OpenCVApplicationView(applet, name, args)
    imageFile = "..\\images\\CatImage.png";
    int imageLoadingFlag = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR;
    try {
      Args ar;
      ar.set(XmNimageFileName, imageFile);
      ar.set(XmNimageLoadingFlag, imageLoadingFlag);
      originalImage = new OriginalImageView(this, "cvwindow1", ar); 
      originalImage -> addCallback(XmNdropCallback, this,
        (Callback)&MainView::dropFiles, NULL);
      ar.set(XmNimageFileName, imageFile);
      ar.set(XmNimageLoadingFlag, imageLoadingFlag);
      detectedImage = new DetectedImageView(this, "cvwindow2", ar); 

      sigmaColor = 120;
      sigmaSpace = 40;
      ar.set(XmNminimum, 0);
      ar.set(XmNmaximum, SIGMA_COLOR_MAX);
      ar.set(XmNposition, sigmaColor);
      ar.set(XmNdisplayOddValue,   false);
      ar.set(XmNdisplayFloatValue, false);
      sigmaColorTrackBar = new LabeledTrackBar(this, "Edge SigmaColor", ar);
      sigmaColorTrackBar -> addCallback(XmNtrackBarScrollCallback, this,
        (Callback)&MainView::commonTrackBarCallback, NULL);
      ar.set(XmNminimum, 0);
      ar.set(XmNmaximum, SIGMA_SPACE_MAX);
      ar.set(XmNposition, sigmaSpace);
      ar.set(XmNdisplayFloatValue, true);
      ar.set(XmNdisplayOddValue,   false);
      sigmaSpaceTrackBar = new LabeledTrackBar(this, "Edge SigmaSpace", ar);
      sigmaSpaceTrackBar -> addCallback(XmNtrackBarScrollCallback, this,
        (Callback)&MainView::commonTrackBarCallback, NULL);

      threshold1 =  43;
      threshold2 =  110;
      ar.set(XmNminimum, 0);
      ar.set(XmNmaximum, THRESHOLD1_MAX);
      ar.set(XmNposition, threshold1);
      ar.set(XmNdisplayOddValue, false);
      threshold1TrackBar = new LabeledTrackBar(this, "Canny Threshold1", ar);
      threshold1TrackBar -> addCallback(XmNtrackBarScrollCallback, this,
        (Callback)&MainView::commonTrackBarCallback, NULL);
      ar.set(XmNminimum, 0);
      ar.set(XmNmaximum, THRESHOLD2_MAX);
      ar.set(XmNposition, threshold2);
      ar.set(XmNdisplayOddValue, false);
      threshold2TrackBar = new LabeledTrackBar(this, "Canny Threshold2", ar);

      threshold2TrackBar -> addCallback(XmNtrackBarScrollCallback, this,
        (Callback)&MainView::commonTrackBarCallback, NULL);
      addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, IDM_EXIT, this,
          (Callback)&MainView::confirm, NULL);
      detectedImage -> detectEdge((double)sigmaColor, (double)sigmaSpace, 
                        (double)threshold1, (double)threshold2);
      ar.set(XmNfilter, FileDialog::getImageFilesFilter());
      filedlg.create(this, "OpenFile", ar);

    } catch (Exception& ex) {

  void open(Action& action)
    Args ar;
    char dir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    if (restoreFileFolder(dir, CountOf(dir))) {
      ar.set(XmNdirectory, dir);
    try {    
      if(filedlg.open()) {
        const char* filename = filedlg.getFileName();
    } catch (Exception& ex) {

  void save(Action& action)
    try {
      if (!savedImageFile.isEmpty()) {
        //Write detected image into the filename.
      } else {
    } catch (Exception& ex) {
  void saveAs(Action& action)
    Args ar;
    char dir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    if (restoreFileFolder(dir, CountOf(dir))) {
      ar.set(XmNdirectory, dir);
    try {    
      if(filedlg.save()) {
        const char* filename = filedlg.getFileName();
        //Write detected image into the filename.
        savedImageFile = filename;
    } catch (Exception& ex) {

void main(int argc, char** argv) 
  try {
    ModuleFileName module(argv[0]);
    const char*  name = module.getAppName();
    OpenCVApplication applet(name, argc, argv);

    Args args;
    args.set(XmNwidth,  860);
    args.set(XmNheight, 360);
    MainView view(applet, name, args);

  } catch (SOL::Exception& ex) {

Last modified: 15 Apr. 2018

Copyright (c) 2018 Antillia.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.