1 Screenshot
2 Source code
* MsgEncDec.cpp
* Copyright (c) 2015 Antillia.com TOSHIYUKI ARAI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
// SOL9
// 2009/03/18
#include <sol/crypt/CryptServiceProvider.h>
#include <sol/crypt/CertSystemStore.h>
#include <sol/crypt/CertContext.h>
#include <sol/crypt/CertSelectionDialog.h>
#include <sol/crypt/CryptMsg.h>
void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
try {
const TCHAR* orgFileName = _T(".\\sample_org.txt"); //This shall exist in this currentfolder.
const TCHAR* encFileName = _T(".\\sample_enc.bin");
const TCHAR* decFileName = _T(".\\sample_dec.txt");
if (GetFileAttributes(orgFileName) == 0xffffffff) {
_tprintf(_T("Error: Not found a sample data file %s\n"), orgFileName);
//A file orgFileName is encoded to a file of encFileName by CrytMsg.encodeStream()
//The the of encFileName is decoded to a file of decFileName by CryptMsg.decodeStream().
CryptServiceProvider csp;
const TCHAR* CA = _T("CA");
CertSystemStore ca(csp, CA);
_tprintf(_T("1 Try to select a certificate of %s\n"), CA);
CertSelectionDialog certSelDlg(ca);
//Select a certificate to use encode the file of orgFileName.
//PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext = certSelDlg.popup();
PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext = certSelDlg.show();
if (pContext) {
_tprintf(_T("2 OK, selected a certificate\n"));
CertContext cert(pContext);
cert.getName(name, SizeOf(name)); //2012/06/21
_tprintf(_T("Name:%s\n"), name);
_tprintf(_T("3 Try to msgEncoer.encodeStream\n"));
CryptMsg msgEncoder;
if (msgEncoder.encodeStream(pContext, orgFileName, encFileName) == NO_ERROR) {
_tprintf(_T("3 OK, msgEncoder.encodeStream() %s -> %s\n"),
orgFileName, encFileName);
_tprintf(_T("4 Try to msgDecoder.decodeStream()\n"));
CryptMsg msgDecoder;
if (msgDecoder.decodeStream(encFileName, decFileName) == NO_ERROR) {
_tprintf(_T("5 OK, msgDecoder.decodeStream() %s -> %s \n"),
encFileName, decFileName);
} else {
_tprintf(_T("6 Failed to msgDecoder.decodeStream\n"));
} else {
_tprintf(_T("7 Failed to msgEncoder.encodeStream\n"));
} else {
_tprintf(_T("8 NG, Canceled a selection\n"));
} catch (...) {
printf("9 Excption: %x\n", GetLastError());
Last modified: 2 May 2016
Copyright (c) 2016 Antillia.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.