1 Screenshot
2 Source code
* NetShareAdd.cpp
* Copyright (c) 2015 Antillia.com TOSHIYUKI ARAI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
// 2012/10/12 To run this program, you have to create a share folder "C:\sol".
#include <sol/nm/NetShare.h>
#include <sol/nm/ShareInfo2.h>
#include <sol/Locale.h>
void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
Locale locale;
try {
wchar_t* server = NULL;
NetShare netShare(server);
ShareInfo2 info2;
wchar_t* netName = L"SOL9_Share";
//1 Try to remove a sharefolder of netName provided already exists
try {
printf("1 Try to delete a folder %S\n", netName);
} catch (...) {
;// Ignore
SHARE_INFO_2* share = (SHARE_INFO_2*)info2.getBuffer();
if (share) {
share->shi2_netname = netName;
share->shi2_type = STYPE_DISKTREE;
share->shi2_remark = L"SOL9 NetShare Sample";
share->shi2_permissions = 0;
share->shi2_max_uses = SHI_USES_UNLIMITED;
share->shi2_current_uses = 0;
share->shi2_path = L"C:\\sol";
share->shi2_passwd = NULL;
//2 Try to add a sharefolder of netName
printf("2 Try to add a folder %S\n", netName);
printf("OK, NetShare added a share folder %S\n", netName);
} catch (...) {
printf("Exception \n");
printf("OK. Please hit [enter] key\n");
Last modified: 2 May 2016
Copyright (c) 2016 Antillia.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.