SOL9 Sample: String

SOL9 2.0 Samples

1 Screenshot

2 Source code

 * String.cpp 

// SOL9
// 2009/10/22
// 2009/11/12

#pragma once

#include <sol/String.h>
#include <sol/Locale.h>

void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR** argv)
  Locale locale;  //In fact, this is  a call '_tsetlocale(LC_ALL, _T(""))';

  //String concatination with char and wchar_t strings;

  String a(_T("http"));
  a = a + _T("://");
  a = a + _T("");
  a = a + 80;
  a = a + _T("/index.html");

  _tprintf(_T("1 %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)a);

  String b(_T("10.0/3.0"));
  b = b + _T("=");
  b = b + float(10.0/3.0);
  b = b + " こんちは ";
  b = b + " 世界 ";
  b = b + _T(" さようなら ");
  b = b + _T(" 世界 ");

  _tprintf(_T("2 %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)b);

  String string = "This is your destiny.";
  string = string + _T(" Use your power. ");
  string = string + " Global Warming Crisis Reality.";

  _tprintf(_T("3 %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)string);

  //startsWith, endsWith, findFirst, findLast
  String fileName = _T("c:\\Program Files\\Sample\\Antillia\\Application\\Sample\\Sample.cpp");
  String folder = _T("C:\\program files");
  String ext    = _T(".Cpp");

  if (fileName.startsWith((const TCHAR*)folder)) {
    _tprintf(_T("%s startsWith %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)folder);
  } else {
    _tprintf(_T("%s doesn't start With %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)folder);

  if (fileName.startsWithIgnoreCase((const TCHAR*)folder)) {
    _tprintf(_T("%s startsWithIgnoreCase %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)folder);
  } else {
    _tprintf(_T("%s doesn't start WithIgnoreCase %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)folder);

  if (fileName.endsWith((const TCHAR*)ext)) {
    _tprintf(_T("%s endsWith %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)ext);
  } else {
    _tprintf(_T("%s doesn't end With %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)ext);

  if (fileName.endsWithIgnoreCase((const TCHAR*)ext)) {
    _tprintf(_T("%s endsWithIgnoreCase %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)ext);
  } else {
    _tprintf(_T("%s doesn't end WithIgnoreCase %s\n"), (const TCHAR*)fileName, (const TCHAR*)ext);

  const TCHAR* sampleBS = _T("Sample\\");
  const TCHAR* sample = fileName.findLast(sampleBS);
  if (sample) {
    _tprintf(_T("%s findLast %s from target:%s\n"), (const TCHAR*)sampleBS, 
       sample, (const TCHAR*)fileName);
  const TCHAR* sampleFirst = fileName.findFirst(sampleBS);
  if (sampleFirst) {
    _tprintf(_T("%s findFirst %s from target:%s\n"), (const TCHAR*)sampleBS, 
       sampleFirst, (const TCHAR*)fileName);

Last modified: 2 May 2016

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