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  VIZ++ Class Library 1.0

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1 What is VIZ++?
1.1 VIZ++
VIZ++ is an experimental C++ class library for OpenGL, GLFW and The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) on Windows. As you know, GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts and receiving input and events.

VIZ++ is a set of thin wrapper C++ classes for APIs of OpenGL, GLFW and GLEW, but not a multi-platform library, because some VIZ++ classes (MenuBar, FileDialog, CritcalSectionn, Mutex and Thread) are written by Windows specific APIs,

1.2 Download VIZ++ Library
Updated to support x64: 24 Aug. 2018
  • VIZ++ Class Library for OpenGL, GLFW and GLEW viz++1.0.5-vs2017-win10-spring-2018-update.zip: #2018.08.24)

  • This contains a set of C++ class header files and a lot of sample programs of VIZ++.
    In this version, we have updated our library to use The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library(GLEW) on Visual Studio 2015 in Windows10.

    1.3 VIZ++
    1. VIZ++ classes have been implemented on C++ header files only using inline member functions.
    2. VIZ++ classes is a set of thin wrapper C++ classes for APIs of OpenGL and GLFW, but doesn't depend on Windows GUI APIs.
    3. VIZ++ applications never need a VIZ++ specific static library.

    1.4 VIZ++ History
  • 2018/08/24: Updated OpenGL C++ classes and ample programs to support VS2017 x64 on Windows 10 April 2018 Update.

  • 2017/02/10: Updated OpenGL C++ classes and ample programs to use GLEW library.

  • 2017/02/01: Updated Object, Exception and SmartPtr classes in 'include\viz++', and ample programs to use SmartPtr.

  • 2015/08/24: Updated classes for JPG/PNG in 'include\viz++', and OpenGL and GLFW in and 'include\viz++\opengl'.
  • Updated JPG* and PNG* classes.
    Updated OpenGLMainView class.
    Updated OpenGLTexture2D class to read in JPG and PNG image files.
    Added OpenGLBitmap class to read image data from the window of OpenGLMainView, and save the data to JPG and PNG files. Added OpenGLApplicatinView class to support MenuBar and PulldownMenu based on WIN32 APIs.
    Added OpenGLFileDialog, OpenGLFileOpenDialog and OpenGLFileSaveDialog class based on WIN32 APIs.
    Added OpenGLPopupMenu based on WIN32 APIs.

  • 2015/08/04: Updated classes for OpenGL and GLFW in 'include\viz++' and 'include\viz++\opengl'.
  • Updated OpenGLMainView class to support GLFW callbacks.
    Updated OpenGLTexture2D class to read in JPG and PNG image files.
    Added OpenGLDialog class based on WIN32 MessageBox API.

  • 2015/07/25: New OpenGL* classes for OpenGL and GLFW to 'include\viz++\opengl'.

  • 2 How to install the VIZ++
    You can get a zip file viz++1.0.zip by downloading, so you simply unzipp it by WinZip program. For example, by unzipping on the root directory on C drive, you get the two directories:
    - includes all C++ header files for VIZ++

    - includes all sample program files for VIZ++,

    3 Development environment for VIZ++

    To develop VIZ++, we have been using the followng library for 32-bit Windows on Visual Studio 2015 on Windows10:
  • freeglut

  • GLFW

  • GLEW

  • JPG

  • libpng

  • zlib

  •  Last modified: 24 Aug. 2018

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