VIZ++ Class: OpenGLMainView

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Source code

 * OpenGLMainView.h 

//2015/08/02 Updated to enable GWFW callbacks.

//2015/08/03 Added methods depending on Win32 API.

#pragma once

#include <viz++/Object.h>
#include <viz++/Exception.h>
#include <viz++/opengl/OpenGLApplet.h>
#include <viz++/opengl/OpenGLWaitableApplet.h>

#include <viz++/opengl/OpenGLIView.h>
#include <viz++/opengl/OpenGLMenuBar.h>

#include <viz++/StringT.h>
#include <viz++/ModuleFileName.h>

#include <viz++/opengl/MenuId.h>

#include <GLFW/glfw3native.h>

#ifdef TRACE
#define trace printf
#define trace

namespace VIZ {
static const char* GLFW_WINDOW = "GLFW_WINDOW";
static WNDPROC glfwWndProc     = NULL;

class OpenGLMainView :public OpenGLIView {
  StringT<char> title;
  GLFWwindow*   window;
  SmartPtr<OpenGLMenuBar> menubar;
  int           width;
  int           height;
  static OpenGLMainView* getView(GLFWwindow* window)
    return (OpenGLMainView*)glfwGetWindowUserPointer(window);

  static void setView(GLFWwindow* window, OpenGLMainView* view)
    glfwSetWindowUserPointer(window, view);

  //Private static GLFW callback functions start.
  //1 Get a pointer to OpenGLMainView from GLFWwindow by using a static member function 'getView'.
  //2 Call a virtual member funnction of the OpenGLMainView.
  static void windowposFun(GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> posCallback(xpos, ypos);

  static void windowsizeFun(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> sizeCallback(width, height); 

  static void windowcloseFun(GLFWwindow* window)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> closeCallback(); 

  static void windowrefreshFun(GLFWwindow* window)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> refreshCallback(); 

  static void windowfocusFun(GLFWwindow* window, int focused)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> focusCallback(focused); 

  static void windowiconifyFun(GLFWwindow* window, int iconified)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> iconifyCallback(iconified); 

  static void framebuffersizeFun(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> frameBufferSizeCallback(width, height); 

  static void mousebuttonFun(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> mouseButtonCallback(button, action, mods); 
  static void cursorposFun(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> cursorPosCallback(xpos, ypos); 

  static void cursorenterFun(GLFWwindow* window, int entered)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> cursorEnterCallback(entered); 

  static void scrollFun(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> scrollCallback(xoffset, yoffset); 
  static void keyFun(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> keyCallback(key, scancode, action, mods); 
  static void charFun(GLFWwindow* window,unsigned int codepoint)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> charCallback(codepoint); 

  static void charmodsFun(GLFWwindow* window,unsigned int codepoint,int mods)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> charModsCallback(codepoint, mods); 
  static void dropFun(GLFWwindow* window, int count, const char** paths)
    OpenGLMainView* view = getView(window);
    view -> dropCallback(count, paths); 

  //Please define your own method in your subclass derived from this class.
  virtual void menuCallback(WORD menuId)
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    char message[1024];
    sprintf_s(message, CountOf(message), "Default menu callback. MenuId(%d)", menuId);
    switch (menuId) {
    case IDM_EXIT:
        int rc = MessageBox(hwnd, "Are you sure to want to exit this program?", "Confirmation",  MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
        if (rc == IDOK) {
    case IDM_VERSION:
      MessageBox(hwnd, "VIZ++ 1.0 Library Copyright (c) 2017", "Version",  MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
      MessageBox(hwnd, message, "MenuCallback", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
  //Please define your own method in your subclass derived from this class.
  virtual void acceleratorCallback(WORD accelId)
    trace("acceleratorCallback: accelId=%d \n", accelId);
  //Please define your own method in your subclass derived from this class.
  virtual void controlCallback(WORD notifyId, WORD controlId, HWND controlHwnd)
    trace("controlCallback: notifyId=%d controlId=%d controlHwnd=%ld",
           notifyId, controlId, controlHwnd);
  static LRESULT commandFunc(GLFWwindow* window, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    OpenGLMainView* view = (OpenGLMainView*)getView(window);
    WORD hi     = HIWORD(wParam);
    WORD menuId = LOWORD(wParam);
    if (hi == 0) {
      view -> menuCallback(menuId);
    } else if (hi == 1){
      WORD accelId = LOWORD(wParam);
      view -> acceleratorCallback(accelId);
    } else {
      WORD notifyId    = HIWORD(wParam);
      WORD controlId   = LOWORD(wParam);
      HWND controlHwnd = (HWND)lParam;
      view -> controlCallback(notifyId, controlId, controlHwnd);  
    return 0L;
  //Private GLFW callback functions end.

  //VIZ++ specific Window procedure.
  static LRESULT CALLBACK vizWndProc(HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam) 
    switch(msg) {
    case WM_COMMAND:
        GLFWwindow* window = (GLFWwindow* )GetProp(hwnd, GLFW_WINDOW);
        if (window) {
          commandFunc(window, wParam, lParam);
        return 0;
     //Add your own message handling code below.  
    if (glfwWndProc) {
     //Call the original GLFW window procedure glfwWndProc
     return CallWindowProc(glfwWndProc , hwnd , msg , wParam , lParam);
    } else {
      return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

  static const int LEFT_BUTTON  = GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1;
  static const int RIGHT_BUTTON = GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_2;
  static const int BUTTON_DOWN  = 1;
  static const int BUTTON_UP    = 0;

  //Creates a window and its associated context. 
  OpenGLMainView(OpenGLApplet& applet, int width, int height, const char* title,
                GLFWmonitor* monitor = NULL, GLFWwindow* share = NULL) 
    window = glfwCreateWindow (width, height, title, monitor, share);
    if (window == NULL) {
      throw IException("Failed to glfwCreateWindow");
    setView(window, this);    
    menubar = new OpenGLMenuBar(this, title);
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    //The following is a subclassing process in the sence of Windows.
    //Replace GLWwindow's orignal window proc by VIZ++ specific WNDPROC vizWndProc
    SetProp(hwnd, GLFW_WINDOW, (HANDLE)window);        
    glfwWndProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC);
    SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG)vizWndProc);      

  //Destroys the specified getWindow() and its context. 
    if (window) {
      glfwDestroyWindow (window);
      window = NULL; 
  GLFWwindow* getWindow()
    if (window == NULL) {
      throw IException("Window is NULL");
    return window;

  const char* getTitle()
    return (const char*)title;
  void makeContextCurrent()

  //Enable callbacks start.  
  void enableWindowPosCallback()

  void enableWindowSizeCallback()

  void enableWindowCloseCallback()

  void enableWindowRefreshCallback()
  void enableWindowFocusCallback()

  void enableWindowIconifyCallback()

  void  enableFramebufferSizeCallback()

  void  enableKeyCallback()

  void  enableCharCallback()

  void  enableCharModsCallback()

  void  enableMouseButtonCallback()

  void  enableCursorEnterCallback()

  void enableDropCallback()
  //Enable callbacks end.  

  void enableAllCallbacks()


  //Checks the close flag of the specified window. 
  int shouldClose()
    return glfwWindowShouldClose (getWindow()); 
  //Sets the close flag of the specified window. 
  void setWindowShouldClose (int value) 
    glfwSetWindowShouldClose (getWindow(), value); 

  //Sets the title of the specified window. 
  void  setWindowTitle (const char *title) 
    glfwSetWindowTitle (getWindow(), title); 

  //Retrieves the position of the client area of the specified window. 
  void  getWindowPos (int& xpos, int& ypos) 
    glfwGetWindowPos (getWindow(), &xpos, &ypos); 
  //Sets the position of the client area of the specified window. 
  void  setWindowPos (int xpos, int ypos) 
    glfwSetWindowPos (getWindow(), xpos, ypos); 

  //Retrieves the size of the client area of the specified window. 
  void  getWindowSize (int& width, int& height) 
    glfwGetWindowSize (getWindow(), &width, &height); 

  //Sets the size of the client area of the specified window. 
  void  setWindowSize (int width, int height) 
    glfwSetWindowSize (getWindow(), width, height);
  //Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window. 
  void  getFramebufferSize (int& width, int& height) 
    glfwGetFramebufferSize (getWindow(), &width, &height); 
  //Retrieves the size of the frame of the window. 
  void  getWindowFrameSize (int& left, int& top, int& right, int& bottom) 
     glfwGetWindowFrameSize (getWindow(), &left, &top, &right, &bottom); 
  //Iconifies the specified window. 
  void  iconify() 
    glfwIconifyWindow (getWindow()); 
  //Restores the specified window. 
  void  restore ()
    glfwRestoreWindow (getWindow());
  //Makes the specified window visible. 
  void  showWindow ()
    glfwShowWindow (getWindow()); 

  void realize()

  //Hides the specified window. 
  void  hideWindow ()
    glfwHideWindow (getWindow()); 
  //Returns the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode. 
  GLFWmonitor*  getWindowMonitor ()
    return  glfwGetWindowMonitor (getWindow()); 
  //Returns an attribute of the specified window. 
  int  getWindowAttribute (int attrib) 
     return glfwGetWindowAttrib (getWindow(), attrib); 
  //Sets the user pointer of the specified window. 
  void  setWindowUserPointer (void *pointer) 
    glfwSetWindowUserPointer (getWindow(), pointer); 
  //Returns the user pointer of the specified window. 
  void *  getWindowUserPointer () 
    return glfwGetWindowUserPointer (getWindow());
  GLFWwindowposfun setWindowPosCallback(GLFWwindowposfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetWindowPosCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWwindowsizefun setWindowSizeCallback(GLFWwindowsizefun cbfun)
    return glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWwindowclosefun setWindowCloseCallback(GLFWwindowclosefun cbfun)
    return  glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);

  GLFWwindowrefreshfun setWindowRefreshCallback(GLFWwindowrefreshfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWwindowfocusfun setWindowFocusCallback(GLFWwindowfocusfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWwindowiconifyfun setWindowIconifyCallback(GLFWwindowiconifyfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWframebuffersizefun setFramebufferSizeCallback(GLFWframebuffersizefun cbfun)
    return glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWkeyfun setKeyCallback(GLFWkeyfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetKeyCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);

  GLFWcharfun setCharCallback(GLFWcharfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetCharCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWcharmodsfun setCharModsCallback(GLFWcharmodsfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetCharModsCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWmousebuttonfun setMouseButtonCallback(GLFWmousebuttonfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  GLFWcursorenterfun setCursorEnterCallback(GLFWcursorenterfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetCursorEnterCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);
  //GLFW 3.1.
  GLFWdropfun setDropCallback(GLFWdropfun cbfun)
    return glfwSetDropCallback(getWindow(), cbfun);

  //Swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window. 
  void  swapBuffers () 
    glfwSwapBuffers (getWindow()); 

  void setClipboardString(const char* string)
    glfwSetClipboardString(getWindow(), string);

  const char* getClipboardString()
    return glfwGetClipboardString(getWindow());
  virtual void reshape()
    int w = 0;
    int h = 0;
    glfwGetFramebufferSize(getWindow(), &w, &h);
    if (w != width || h != height) {
      glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
      resize(w, h);
    width  = w;
    height = h;

  void setViewprt(int width, int height)
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

  //Please define your own method in a subclass derived from this class
  virtual void initialize()
  //Please define your own method in a subclass derived from this class
  virtual void resize(int width, int height)

  //Please define your own method in a subclass derived from this class
  virtual void idle()

  //Please define your own method in a subclass derived from this class
  virtual void display()

  // Public virtual instance callbacks (methods) start.
  // Please define your own methods in your subclass derived from this class 
  // for The follwing virtual functions 
  virtual void posCallback(int xpos, int ypos)
    trace("posCallback: xpos=%d ypos=%d\n", xpos, ypos);

  virtual void sizeCallback(int width, int height)
    trace("sizeCallback: width=%d height=%d\n", width, height);    

  virtual void closeCallback()

  virtual void refreshCallback()

  virtual void focusCallback(int focused)
    trace("focusCallback: focused=%d\n", focused);    

  virtual void iconifyCallback(int iconified)
    trace("iconifyCallback: iconified=%d\n", iconified);

  virtual void frameBufferSizeCallback(int width, int height)
    trace("frameBuferSizeCallback: width=%d height=%d\n", width, height);

  virtual void mouseButtonCallback(int button, int action, int mods)
    trace("mouseButtonCallback: button=%d, action=%d, mods=%d\n",
      button, action, mods);

  virtual void cursorPosCallback(double xpos, double ypos)
    trace("cursorPosCallback: xpos=%lf, ypos=%lf\n", xpos, ypos);
  virtual void cursorEnterCallback(int entered)
    trace("cursorEnterCallback: entered=%d\n", entered);

  virtual void scrollCallback(double xoffset, double yoffset)
    trace("scrollCallback: xoffset=%lf, yoffset=%lf\n", xoffset, yoffset);
  virtual void keyCallback(int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
    trace("keyCallback: key=%d, scancode=%d, action=%d, mods%d\n",
      key, scancode, action, mods);
  virtual void charCallback(unsigned int codepoint)
    trace("charCallback: codepoint=%d\n", codepoint);

  virtual void charModsCallback(unsigned int codepoint,int mods)
    trace("charModsCallback: codepoint=%d, mods=%d\n",
       codepoint, mods);
  virtual void dropCallback(int count, const char** paths)
    trace("dropCallback: count %d\n", count);
    for (int i = 0; i<count; i++) {
      trace("dropfiles %d %s\n", i, paths[i]);

  void closeWindow()
  // Public virtual instance callbacks (methods) end.

  // The following methods depend on Win32 API
  HWND getHwnd()
    return glfwGetWin32Window(getWindow());

  void activate()
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,

  DWORD getModuleFolderName(StringT<char>& folderName)
    char moduleName[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD rc = GetModuleFileName(NULL, moduleName, sizeof(moduleName));
    char* name = moduleName;
    char* lastSlash = strrchr(moduleName, '\\');
    if (lastSlash) {
      *lastSlash = '\0';
    folderName = moduleName;
    return rc;

  DWORD getModuleFileName(StringT<char>& fileName)
    char moduleName[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD rc = GetModuleFileName(NULL, moduleName, sizeof(moduleName));
    fileName = moduleName;
    return rc;

  virtual void getClientSize(int& width, int& height) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    RECT r;
    ::GetClientRect(hwnd, &r);
    width  = r.right - r.left;
    height = r.bottom -;

  virtual void getClientRect(RECT* rect) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    ::GetClientRect(hwnd, rect);

  void  getWindowRect(RECT* rect) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    ::GetWindowRect(hwnd, rect);

/*  void  getWindowSize(int& width, int& height) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    RECT r;
    ::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &r);
    width  = r.right - r.left;
    height = r.bottom -;    
  Boolean  redraw(const RECT* rect, HRGN rgn, UINT flags) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::RedrawWindow(hwnd, rect, rgn, flags);

  Boolean  validate(const RECT* r) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::ValidateRect(hwnd, r);
  Boolean  validate(HRGN  r) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::ValidateRgn(hwnd, r);

  Boolean  send(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
          SENDASYNCPROC callback, DWORD data) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::SendMessageCallback(hwnd, message,
          wParam, lParam,  callback, data);
  long  send(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
          UINT flags, UINT timeOut, DWORD* result) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, message,
          wParam, lParam, flags, timeOut, result);
  long  sendNotify(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::SendNotifyMessage(hwnd, message,
          wParam, lParam);
  Boolean  invalidateAll() 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    RECT r;
    return ::InvalidateRect(hwnd, &r, TRUE);
  Boolean  invalidate(const RECT* rect, Boolean flag = TRUE) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::InvalidateRect(hwnd, rect, flag);

  Boolean  invalidate(HRGN r, Boolean flag = TRUE) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::InvalidateRgn(hwnd, r, flag);

  long  post(UINT message, WPARAM wParam=0, LPARAM lParam=0) 
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    return ::PostMessage(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);

  int  getWidth()
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    RECT r;
    ::GetClientRect(hwnd, &r);
    return  r.right - r.left;
  int  getHeight()
    HWND hwnd = getHwnd();
    RECT r;
    ::GetClientRect(hwnd, &r);
    return  r.bottom -;
  virtual void postResizeRequest(int w, int h)
    post(WM_SIZE, 0, MAKELONG(w, h));

  virtual void postRenderRequest()
    post(WM_PAINT, 0, 0);



Last modified: 10 Feb 2017

Copyright (c) 2009-2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.