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SOL9 2.0 Tutorial |
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void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) |
#include <sol/Application.h> // Program Entry Point. void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* name = _T("HelloWorld"); // Create an instance of Application. Application applet(name, argc, argv); // Create an instance of your own Window class // which inherits class ApplicationView. // Enter SOL++ event handling loop. applet.run(); } |
#include <sol/ApplicationView.h> // This is a MainView class which inherits SOL::ApplicationView: namespace SOL { class MainView :publci ApplicationView { public: //Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* caption, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, caption, args) { } }; } // Program Entry Point. void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* name = _T("HelloWorld"); // Create an instance of Application. Application applet(name, argc, argv); // Create an instance of your own Window class // which inherits class ApplicationView. Args args; MainView mainView(applet, _T("Demo"), args); mainView.realize(); // Enter SOL++ event handling loop. applet.run(); } |
// URLEncoding.cpp // //URLEncoder class is implemented on the following header file. //So, you can compile this file 'URLEncoding.cpp' without linking sol32.lib //in the following way on the Visual Studio command prompt: // c:\work>cl /I c:\usr\include URLEncoding.cpp #include <sol/URLEncoder.h> #include <sol/String.h> void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[]) { const char* string = "<html>\n" "<body>\n" "<h1>URLEncoder/URLDecoder test!</h1>\n" "<h2>1234567890</h2>\n" "<h3>ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</h3>\n" "<h3>abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</h3>\n" "<h3>!\"#$%&'()=~|0\\`{[]}+*<>?/_</h3>\n" "</body>\n" "</html>\n"; String str = string; _tprintf(_T("Html=[%s]\n"), (const TCHAR*)str); // Create an object of URLEncoder class URLEncoder encoder; String enc; encoder.encode(string, enc); _tprintf(_T("URLEncoded=[%s]\n"), (const TCHAR*)enc); } |
Object |
Object | +-- Application |
Object | +-- Window | +-- View |
addEventHandler(UINT message, Object* object, Handler method, void* data); message: A Windows message id defined windows.h file. object : A pointer to a class Object having an event handler. method : A method belonging to a class Object or subclass. data : A user data. |
addCallback(const TCHAR* name, Object* object, Callback method, void* data); name : Callback name (XmNsomething) defined in StrDef.h file. object : A pointer to a class Object having a callback function. method : A method belonging to a class Object or subclass. data : A user data. |
Object | +--Window | +--View | +--Composite | +--ApplicationView |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> // Define a subclass of ApplicationView. namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { // Event handler for WM_LBUTTONDOWN. long leftButtonDown(Event& event) { // Do something here. return 0L; } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* title, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, title, args) { // Register an event handler for WM_LBUTTONDOWN to this class. addEventHandler(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, this, (Handler)&MainView::leftButtonDown, null); } }; } |
Object | +--DC | +--PaintDC | +--ClientDC |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PaintDC.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { // EventHandler for WM_PAINT. long paint(Event& event) { // YOU SHALL CREATE AN INSTANCE OF PAINTDC. PaintDC pdc(this); return 0L; } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* title, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, title, args) { // Register an event handler for WM_PAINT to this class. addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null); } }; } |
Object | +--Window | +--View | +--Primitive | +--Button | +--PushButton | +--GroupBox | +--IconButton | +--RadioButton | +--ToggleButton |
Args ar; // Call a constructor taking three arguments. // This creates a window. PushButton* ok = new PushButton(parent, _T("OK"), ar); |
Args ar; // Call a constructor without arguments. // This does not create a window. PushButton ok; // Call a create method to create a window. ok.create(parent, _T("OK"), ar); |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { PushButton* ok; // Callback function. // This is called automatically by clicking ok button. void accept(Action& action) { // Do something here. } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* title, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, title, args) { Args ar; // Create an instance of PushButton ar.set(XmNx, 10); ar.set(XmNy, 10); ok = new PushButton(this, _T("OK"), ar); // Register a callback function accept to the ok button. ok->addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::accept, null); } ~MainView() { delete ok; } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PaintDC.h> namespace SOL { // Inherit ApplicationView which is a SOL++ TopLevelWindow class. class HelloWorld :public ApplicationView { // EventHandler for WM_PAINT message! long paint(Event& event) { PaintDC pdc(this); TCHAR* text = _T("Hello World"); pdc.textOut(10, 10, text, strlen(text)); return 0L; } public: // Constructor HelloWorld(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { // Add an event handler paint to this class // to handle a WM_PAINT event. addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&HelloWorld::paint, null); } }; } // Program Entry Point. void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* name = _T("HelloWorld"); // Create an instance of Application. Application applet(name, argc, argv); Args args; // Create an instance of HelloWorld. HelloWorld helloWorld(applet, name, args); // Realize or show the helloWorld. helloWorld.realize(); // Enter SOL++ event handling loop. applet.run(); } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> namespace SOL { // Inherit ApplicationView which is a SOL++ TopLevelWindow class. class ButtonSample :public ApplicationView { PushButton pushb; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message. void quit(Action& action) { // Call exit method of View to terminate this program. exit(action); } public: // Constructor ButtonSample(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNx, 40); ar.set(XmNy, 20); // Create an instance of PushButton pushb.create(this, _T("Quit"), ar); // Register the method quit of this class to the pushb. // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method // quit to the pushb whenever it is pushed! pushb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&ButtonSample::quit, null); } }; } // Program Entry Point. void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* name = _T("ButtonSample"); // Create an instance of Application. Application applet(name, argc, argv); Args args; // Create an instance of HelloWorld. ButtonSample buttonSample(applet, name, args); // Realize or show the buttonSample. buttonSample.realize(); // Enter SOL++ event handling loop. applet.run(); } |
Object | +--Window | +--View | +--Primitive | +--ComboBox | +--ListBox | +--Static | +--Text | | | +--TextField | | | +--ScrolledText | +--Button | +--PushButton | +--GroupBox | +--IconButton | +--RadioButton | +--ToggleButton |
Args ar; // Call a constructor taking three arguments. // This creates a window. PushButton* ok = new PushButton(parent, _T("OK"), ar); // Somewhere you have to delete the instance. delete ok; |
Args ar; // Call a constructor without arguments. // This does not create a window. PushButton ok; // Call a create method to create a window. ok.create(parent, _T("OK"), ar); |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { PushButton pushb; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message. void activate(Action& action) { // Call exit method of View to terminate this program. // Write here your code to do something when the pushb is pushed. } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of PushButton pushb.create(this, _T("Quit"), ar); // Register the method quit of this class to the pushb. // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method // activate to the pushb whenever it is pushed! pushb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::activate, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\IconButton.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { IconButton iconButton; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message. void quit(Action& action) { // Call exit method of View to terminate this program. exit(action); } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNx, 10); ar.set(XmNy, 10); ar.set(XmNwidth, 32); ar.set(XmNheight, 32); ar.set(XmNxImageSize, 32); ar.set(XmNyImageSize, 32); ar.set(XmNimageName, IDI_ICON1); // Create a window of IconButton iconButton.create(this, _T(""), ar); // Register the method quit of this class to the iconButton. // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method // quit to the iconButton whenever it is pushed! iconButton.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::quit, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\RadioButton.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { RadioButton radioButton; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message. void clicked(Action& action) { // Is radioButton checked? int rc = radioButton.getCheck(); } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNx, 20); ar.set(XmNy, 20); // Create a window of RadioButton radioButton.create(this, _T("RadioButton"), ar); // Register the method quit of this class to the radioButton. // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method // clicked to the radioButton whenever it is pushed! radioButton.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::clicked, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ToggleButton.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ToggleButton toggleButton; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message. void clicked(Action& action) { // Is toggleButton checked? int rc = toggleButton.getCheck(); } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNx, 20); ar.set(XmNy, 20); // Create a window of ToggleButton toggleButton.create(this, _T("Press"), ar); // Register the method quit of this class to the toggleButton. // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method // clicked to the toggleButton whenever it is pushed! toggleButton.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::clicked, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\GroupBox.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { GroupBox groupBox; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of GroupBox groupBox.create(this, _T("Group"), ar); add(groupBox); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\Static.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { Static label; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNx, 100); ar.set(XmNy, 10); // Create a window of Static label.create(this, _T("Hello world"), ar); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNchangeCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_CHANGE event. |
XmNerrorSpaceCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_ERRSPACE event. |
XmNhorizScrollCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_HSCROLL event. |
XmNkillFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_KILLFOCUS event. |
XmNmaxTextCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event. |
XmNsetFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_SETFOCUS event. |
XmNupdateCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_UPDATE event. |
XmNvertScrollCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_VSCROLL event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\Text.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { Text text; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event. void maxText(Action& action) { // Do something. } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)ES_MULTILINE); // Create a window of Text. text.create(this, _T("Hello\r\nWorld"), ar); add(text); // Register the method maxText of this class to the text. // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method // 'maxText' to the text whenever a WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event occurs! text.addCallback(XmNmaxTextCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::maxText, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\TextField.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { TextField textField; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNx, 10); ar.set(XmNy, 20); ar.set(XmNwidth, 120); ar.set(XmNheight, 30); // Create a window of TextField textField.create(this, _T("Your name?"), ar); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrolledText sctext; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of ScrolledText sctext.create(this, _T(""), ar); // Add the sctext to a default layout-manager. add(sctext); // Call the method load of class Text to read a //content of the file "sample.txt". sctext.load(_T("sample.txt")); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNcloseUpCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_CLOSEUP event. |
XmNdefaultActionCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DBLCLK event. |
XmNdropDownCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DROPDOWN event. |
XmNeditChangeCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITCHANGE event. |
XmNeditUpdateCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITUPDATE event. |
XmNerrorSpaceCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_ERRSPACE event. |
XmNkillFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_KILLFOCUS event. |
XmNselChangeCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE event. |
XmNselEndCancelCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDCANCEL event. |
XmNselEndOkCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDOK event. |
XmNsetFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SETFOCUS event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ComboBox.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ComboBox drives; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE message. void selChanged(Action& action) { // Do something } // Build a list of logical dirves into the drives. void buildDriveList() { TCHAR path[10]; DWORD d = ::GetLogicalDrives(); for(int i = 0; i<26; i++) { if(d & 1) { _stprintf(path, _T("%c:"), 'A'+i); drives.addString(path); } d = d >> 1; } } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNwidth, 120); ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)CBS_DROPDOWNLIST); // Create a window of ComboBox drives.create(this, _T(""), ar); buildDriveList(); // Register the method selChanged of this class to the drives. drives.addCallback(XmNselChangeCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::selChanged, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNdefaultActionCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_DBLCLK event. |
XmNerrorSpaceCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_ERRSPACE event. |
XmNkillFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_KILLFOCUS event. |
XmNselCancelCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_SELCANCEL event. |
XmNselChangeCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_SELCHANGE event. |
XmNsetFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/LBN_SETFOCUS event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ListBox.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ListBox listbox; // Callback function to handle WM_COMMAND message. void doubleClicked(Action& action) { // Run the executable program. TCHAR buff[128]; listbox.getCurText(buff); ::WinExec(buff, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of PushButton listbox.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(listbox); TCHAR buffer[128]; ::GetWindowsDirectory(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); strcat(buffer, _T("\\*.EXE")); // List up executable files of Windows. listbox.findFiles(buffer); // Register the method quit of this class to the pushb. // SOL9 framework will call automatically the registered method // doubleClicked to the listbox whenever an item is double-clicked! listbox.addCallback(XmNdefaultActionCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::doubleClicked, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNstyle | integer Direction(ScrollBar::Horizontal/ScrollBar::Vertical) |
XmNminimum | integer Minimum value of scrolling. |
XmNmaximum | integer Maximum value of scrolling. |
XmNpageIncrement | integer Increment value of PAGE UP/DOWN event. |
XmNlineIncrement | integer Increment value of LINE UP/DOWN event. |
Name | Description |
XmNhorizScrollCallback | Callback for WM_HSCROLL event. |
XmNvertScrollCallback | Callback for WM_VSCROLL event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrollBar.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrollBar scrollbar; // Callback function to handle Windows WM_HSCROLL event. void horizScroll(Action& action) { // Do something when the scrollbar scrolled. // Get a thumb position by calling a getPos method. int pos = scrollbar.getPos(); } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNx, 10); ar.set(XmNy, 10); ar.set(XmNwidth, 200); ar.set(XmNheight, 20); ar.set(XmNminimum, 0); ar.set(XmNmaximum, 255); ar.set(XmNstyle, ScrollBar::HORIZONTAL); // Create a window of ScrollBar scrollbar.create(this, _T(""), ar); // Register the method horizScroll of this class //to the scrollbar. // SOL9 frame work will call automatically the registered method // horizScroll to the scrollbar whenever it is manipulated! scrollbar.addCallback(XmNhorizScrollCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::horizScroll, null); } }; } |
Object | +--Window | +--View | +--Primitive | +--Animator | +--HotKey | +--IPAddressField | +--ListView | +--TreeView | +--Text | | | +--RichText | | | +--ScrolledRichText | +--StatusBar | +--ToolBar | +--Tab | +--ComboBox | +--ExtendedComboBox |
Name | Description |
XmNerrorSpaceCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_OUTOFMEMORY event. |
XmNclickCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_CLICK event. |
XmNdoubleClickCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_DBLCLK event. |
XmNreturnCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_RETURN event. |
XmNrightClickCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_RCLICK event. |
XmNrightDoubleClickCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_RDBLCLK event. |
XmNsetFocusCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_SETFOCUS event. |
XmNkillFocusCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/NM_KILLFOCUS event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\Animator.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { Animator animator; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of Animator animator.create(this, NULL, ar); add(animator); animator.open(_T("sample.avi")); animator.play(0, -1, -1); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\HotKey.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { HotKey hotkey; WORD keyComb; // Event handler for WM_SYSCOMMAND event. // If this event is caused by the keyComb combination, iconify this window. long sysCommand(Event& event) { if(event.getWParam() == SC_HOTKEY) { show(SW_MINIMIZE); return NULL; } else { return defaultProc(event); } } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of HotKey ar.set(XmNwidth, 100); ar.set(XmNheight, 30); ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); hotkey.create(this, _T(""), ar); hotkey.setHotKey('X', HOTKEYF_CONTROL); keyComb = MAKEWORD('X', HOTKEYF_CONTROL); // Set the key combination keyComb to this Window. this -> send(WM_SETHOTKEY, keyComb, 0); // Register an event handler for WM_SYSCOMMAND. addEventHandler(WM_SYSCOMMAND, this, (Handler)&MainView::sysCommand, NULL); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\IPAddressField.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { IPAddressField addressField; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of IPAddressField. ar.set(XmNx, 10); ar.set(XmNy, 10); ar.set(XmNwidth, 200); ar.set(XmNheight, 30); addressField.create(this, NULL, ar); // Set an IP address. addressField.setAddress(255, 255, 255, 0); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNitemChangingCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ITEMCHANGING event. |
XmNitemChangedCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ITEMCHANGED event. |
XmNinsertItemCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_INSERTITEM event. |
XmNdeleteItemCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_DELETEITEM event. |
XmNdeleteAllItemsCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_DELETEALLITEMS event. |
XmNbeginLabelEditCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT event. |
XmNenableEditCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ENDLABELEDIT event. |
XmNcolumnClickCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_COLUMNCLICK event. |
XmNbeginDragCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_BEGINDRAG event. |
XmNbeginRDragCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_BEGINRDRAG event. |
XmNgetDispInfoCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_GETDISPINFO event. |
XmNsetDispInfoCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_SETDISPINFO event. |
XmNkeyDownCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/LVN_KEYDOWN event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ListView.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ListView listview; // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/NM_DBLCLK event. void doubleClicked(Action& action) { // Do something. } // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/LVN_ITEMCHANGED event. void itemChanged(Action& action) { Event& event = action.getEvent(); NM_LISTVIEW* nm = (NM_LISTVIEW*)event.getLParam(); // Get an index of the changed item. int changedItem = nm->iItem; } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of ListView. ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)LVS_REPORT); listview.create(this, NULL, ar); // Set a column. static TCHAR* column[] = {_T("No"), _T("OS"), _T("Year")}; listview.setColumn(column, 3); // Set data. static TCHAR* lines1[] = {_T("1"), _T("Windows95"), _T("1995")}; static TCHAR* lines2[] = {_T("2"), _T("Windows98"), _T("1998")}; static TCHAR* lines3[] = {_T("3"), _T("Windows2000"), _T("2000")}; listview.insertLine(0, lines1, 3); listview.insertLine(1, lines2, 3); listview.insertLine(2, lines3, 3); add(listview); // Add doubleClick and itemChanged callbacks of this class // to the listview. listview.addCallback(XmNdoubleClickCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::doubleClicked, null); listview.addCallback(XmNitemChangedCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::itemChanged, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNselChangingCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_SELCHANGING event. |
XmNselChangedCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_SELCHANGED event. |
XmNgetDispInfoCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_GETDISPINFO event. |
XmNsetDispInfoCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_SETDISPINFO event. |
XmNitemExpandingCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ITEMEXPANDING event. |
XmNitemExpandedCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ITEMEXPANDED event. |
XmNbeginDragCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINDRAG event. |
XmNbeginRDragCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINRDRAG event. |
XmNdeleteItemCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_DELETEITEM event. |
XmNbeginLabelEditCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT event. |
XmNendLabelEditCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ENDLABELEDIT event. |
XmNkeyDownCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TVN_KEYDOWN event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\TreeView.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { TreeView treeview; // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT event. void beginLabelEdit(Action& action) { Event& event = action.getEvent(); TV_DISPINFO* dispInfo = (TV_DISPINFO*)event.getLParam(); TV_ITEM item = dispInfo-> item; // Do something. action.setResult(0); // Return 0 to enable a label-edit. } // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/TVN_ENDLABELEDIT event. void endLabelEdit(Action& action) { Event& event = action.getEvent(); TV_DISPINFO* dispInfo = (TV_DISPINFO*)event.getLParam(); TV_ITEM item = dispInfo-> item; if(item.pszText) { // Set a mask TFIF_TEXT to set the text. item.mask = TVIF_TEXT; treeview.setItem(&item); } } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create an instance of TreeView. ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)TVS_HASLINES|TVS_HASBUTTONS|TVS_LINESATROOT|TVS_EDITLABELS); treeview.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(treeview); // Add items. HTREEITEM root = treeview.addItem(NULL, TVI_ROOT, _T("Object")); HTREEITEM window = treeview.addItem(root,TVI_FIRST, _T("Window")); treeview.addItem(window,TVI_FIRST, _T("View")); // Add beginLabelEdit and endLabelEdit callbacks of this class to the treeview. treeview.addCallback(XmNbeginLabelEditCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::beginLabelEdit, null); treeview.addCallback(XmNendLabelEditCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::endLabelEdit, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNchangeCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_CHANGE event. |
XmNerrorSpaceCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_ERRSPACE event. |
XmNhorizScrollCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_HSCROLL event. |
XmNkillFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_KILLFOCUS event. |
XmNmaxTextCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_MAXTEXT event. |
XmNsetFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_SETFOCUS event. |
XmNupdateCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_UPDATE event. |
XmNvertScrollCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/EN_VSCROLL event. |
XmNcorrectTextCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_CORRECTTEXT event. |
XmNdropFilesCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_DROPFILES event. |
XmNmsgFilterCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_MSGFILTER event. |
XmNprotectedCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_PROTECTED event. |
XmNrequestResizeCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_REQUESTRESIZE event. |
XmNstopNoUndoCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_STOPNOUNDO event. |
XmNselChangeCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/EN_SELCHANGE event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\Font.h> #include <sol\ClientDC.h> #include <sol\RichText.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { int textHeight; Font font; RichText richText; // Override size method of Composite class to layout the richText. long size(Event& event) { int w, h; event.getSize(w, h); richText.reshape(0, 0, w, textHeight+4); return 0L; } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNheight, (-12)); //Create an instance of Font. font.create(ar); ClientDC dc(this); HFONT prevFont = (HFONT)dc.select(&font); textHeight = dc.getTextHeight(); dc.select(prevFont); ar.reset(); // Create a window of RichText. richText.create(this, _T(""), ar); // Set the font to the richText. richText.setFont(font); // Set a string to the richText. richText.setText(_T("Input your name here.")); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledRichText.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrolledRichText richText; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of ScrolledRichText. richText.create(this, _T(""), ar); richText.exLimitText(1000*100); add(richText); // Read a file into the richText in RTF format. richText.streamIn(_T("sample.rtf"), SF_RTF); // Write the content of the richText into a file in TEXT format. richText.streamOut(_T("sampe.txt"), SF_TEXT); } }; } |
void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* name = _T("Sample"); Application applet(name, argc, argv); Args args; arg.set(XmNdefaultStatusBar, True); ApplicationView appView(applet, name, args); // } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { int sizeArray[3]; StatusBar* statusbar; // Override size method of Composite class to fix the size of // each part of the statusbar. long size(Event& event) { ApplicationView::size(event); LPARAM s = event.getLParam(); // Set the size of parts of the statusbar. sizeArray[0] = LOWORD(s)/3; sizeArray[1] = LOWORD(s)*2/3; sizeArray[2] = -1; statusbar->setParts(3, sizeArray); return 0L; } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create an instance of StatusBar. statusbar = new StatusBar(this, _T("Hello"), ar); // Set the statusbar to this Window. // You never delete the statusbar after calling setStatusBar method. setStatusBar(statusbar); statusbar -> setParts(3, sizeArray); statusbar -> setText(0, 0, _T("Normal")); statusbar -> setText(1, SBT_POPOUT, _T"(Popout")); statusbar -> setText(2, SBT_NOBORDERS, _T("Noborder")); } ~MainView() { // Never delete the statusbar, because it will be deleted automatically // in the destructor of ApplicationView. } }; } |
void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* name = _T("Sample"); Application applet(name, argc, argv); Args args; args.set(XmNdefaultToolBar, True); // The attribute of name XmNtoolBarBitmapID takes a value // IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR,IDB_STD_LARGE_COLOR or a handle for bitmap. args.set(XmNtoolBarBitmapID, IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR); ApplicationView appView(applet, name, args); // } |
Name | Description |
XmNgetButtonInfoCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_GETBUTTONINFO event. |
XmNbeginDragCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_BEGINDRAG event. |
XmNendDragCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_ENDDRAG event. |
XmNbeginAdjustCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_BEGINADJUST event. |
XmNendAdjustCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_ENDADJUST event. |
XmNresetCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_RESET event. |
XmNqueryInsertCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_QUERYINSERT event. |
XmNqueryDeleteCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_QUERYDELETE event. |
XmNtoolbarChangeCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE event. |
XmNcustHelpCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TBN_CUSTHELP event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ToolBar.h> #include <sol\ScrolledRichText.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrolledRichText richText; ToolBar* toolbar; // Override size method of Composite class to layout the richText. long size(Event& event) { ApplicationView::size(event); RECT r; toolbar -> getWindowRect(&r); DWORD s = event.getLParam(); richText.reshape(0, r.bottom-r.top, LOWORD(s), HIWORD(s)-(r.bottom-r.top)); return 0L; } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; richText.create(this, _T(""), ar); ar.reset(); // Create an instance of ToolBar. toolbar = new ToolBar(this, _T(""), ar); // Set the toolbar to this Window. // You never delete the toolbar after calling setToolBar method. setToolBar(toolbar); } ~MainView() { // Never delete the toolbar, because it will be deleted automatically // in the destructor of ApplicationView. } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNkeyDownCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TCN_KEYDOWN event. |
XmNselChangeCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TCN_SELCHANGE event. |
XmNselChangingCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/TCN_SELCHANGING event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\Tab.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { Tab tab; // Callback to handle WM_NOTIFY/TCN_SELCHANGE event. void select(Action& action) { int indx = tab.getCurFocus(); // Do something. } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of ToolBar. tab.create(this, _T(""), ar); tab.setItemSize(50, 20); add(tab); static TCHAR* tabLabels[] = {_T("One"), _T("Two"), _T("Three")}; // Add a label for each item. for(int i = 0; i < XtNumber(tabLabels); i++) { tab.addItem(tabLabels[i]); } tab.setCurFocus(0); // Register select callback of this class to the tab. tab.addCallback(XmNselChangeCallback, this, (Callback)&MainView::select, NULL); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNcloseUpCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_CLOSEUP event. |
XmNdefaultActionCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DBLCLK event. |
XmNdropDownCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_DROPDOWN event. |
XmNeditChangeCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITCHANGE event. |
XmNeditUpdateCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_EDITUPDATE event. |
XmNerrorSpaceCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_ERRSPACE event. |
XmNkillFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_KILLFOCUS event. |
XmNselChangeCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE event. |
XmNselEndCancelCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDCANCEL event. |
XmNselEndOkCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELENDOK event. |
XmNsetFocusCallback | Callback for WM_COMMAND/CBN_SETFOCUS event. |
XmNbeginEditCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_BEGINEDIT event. |
XmNdeleteItemCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_DELETEITEM event. |
XmNdragBeginCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_DRAGBEGIN event. |
XmNendEditCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_ENDEDIT event. |
XmNgetDispInfoCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_GETDISPINFO event. |
XmNinsertItemCallback | Callback for WM_NOTIFY/CBEN_INSERTITEM event. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ExtendedComboBox.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ExtendedComboBox comboBox; // Callback to handle WM_COMMAND/CBN_SELCHANGE event. void selected(Action& action) { int indx = comboBox.getCurSel(); // Do something. } public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create a window of ToolBar. ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)CBS_DROPDOWNLIST); ar.set(XmNheight, 100); comboBox.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(comboBox); // Register selected callback of this class to the comboBox. comboBox.addCallback(XmNselChangeCallback, this, (Callback)selected, null); COMBOBOXEXITEM item; memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item)); item.mask= CBEIF_TEXT|CBEIF_INDENT; static TCHAR* items[] = {_T("One"), _T("Two"), _T("Three")}; // Add items to the comboBox. for(int i = 0; i < XtNumber(items); i++) { item.pszText = items[i]; item.cchTextMax = strlen(items[i]); item.iItem = i; item.iIndent = i; comboBox.insertItem(&item); } } }; } |
Object | +--Window | +--View | +--Composite | +--PopupView | +--DialogView | +--ModalDialog | | | +--AboutDialog | +--ModelessDialog |
Method | Description |
popup | Pop up a window in the center position of its parent window. |
popupAt | Pop up a window in the center of screeen. |
popupAsItIs | Pop up a window in its own position. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\BorderLayout.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> #include <sol\PopupView.h> #include <sol\Static.h> namespace SOL { class PopupMessage :public PopupView { Static message; PushButton ok; BorderLayout layout; public: PopupMessage() { } Boolean create(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args) { PopupView::create(parent, title, args); setLayout(&layout); Args ar; message.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(message, BorderLayout::CENTER); ar.reset(); ok.create(this, _T("Popdown"), ar); add(ok, BorderLayout::SOUTH); // Call resize method to layout imediately. resize(); // Register callback to ok button to pop down this window. ok.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&PopupMessage::popdown, null); return True; } void setMessage(const TCHAR* text) { message.setText(text); } }; class MainView :public ApplicationView { PushButton popupb; PopupMessage message; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; // Create an instance of ToolBar. popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a PopupMessage"), ar); add(popupb); ar.reset(); ar.set(XmNwidth, 300); ar.set(XmNheight, 100); ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)WS_THICKFRAME|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_SYSMENU); message.create(this, _T("PopupMessage"), ar); message.setMessage("This is a PopupView")); // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb. popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, &message, (Callback)&PopupView::popup, NULL); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\BorderLayout.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> #include <sol\DialogView.h> namespace SOL { class MessageDialog :public DialogView { BorderLayout layout; Text message; PushButton ok; public: MessageDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args) :DialogView(parent, title, args) { setLayout(&layout); Args ar; ar.set(XmNstyle, (ulong)ES_MULTILINE); message.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(message, BorderLayout::CENTER); ar.reset(); ok.create(this, _T("Popdown"), ar); add(ok, BorderLayout::SOUTH); resize(); //Register callback to ok button to pop down this window. ok.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&MessageDialog::popdown, null); } void setMessage(const TCHAR* text) { message.setText(text); } }; class MainView :public ApplicationView { PushButton popupb; MessageDialog message; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a MessageDialog"), ar); add(popupb); ar.reset(); ar.set(XmNx, 100); ar.set(XmNy, 100); ar.set(XmNwidth, 300); ar.set(XmNheight, 200); message.create(this, _T("MessageDialog"), ar); message.setMessage(_T("Hello.\r\nThis is a DialogView")); // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb. popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, &message, (Callback)&PopupView::popupAsItIs, NULL); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNcentering | Flag that the dialog is to be centered or not on screen. |
XmNfocusId | Specify a control id to get a focus when the dialog is to be visible. |
XmNtemplateName | Specify template name of dialog. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ModalDialog.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> #include <sol\TextField.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { //Define a subclass which inherits ModalDialog. class FileNameDialog :public ModalDialog { PushButton* ok; TextField* name; void doclose(Action& action) { // Do something here when ok is clicked. } //Override initDialog method of ModalDialog. long initDialog(Event& event) { delete ok; delete name; //Create instances from dialog template. ok = new PushButton(this, getItem(IDOK)); name = new TextField(this, getItem(IDC_EDIT)); //Register doclose callback to the ok button. ok -> addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&FileNameDialog::doclose, null); } public: FileNameDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args) :ModalDialog(parent, title, args.set(XmNtemplateName, _T("FileName")) { ok = null; name = null; } ~FileNameDialog() { delete ok; delete name; } }; class MainView :public ApplicationView { PushButton popupb; FileNameDialog* dialog; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a ModalDialog"), ar); add(popupb); ar.reset(); dialog = new FileNameDialog(this, _T("Dialog"), ar); // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb. popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, dialog, (Callback)&PopupView::popup, NULL); } ~MainView() { delete dialog; } }; } |
AboutDialog::AboutDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ModalDialog(parent, name, args.set(XmNfocusId, (ulong)IDOK)) { addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, IDCANCEL, this, (Callback)&AboutDialog::popdown, NULL); addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, IDOK, this, (Callback)&AboutDialog::popdown, NULL); } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\AboutDialog.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { AboutDialog* dialog; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.reset(); ar.set(XmNtemplateName, _T("About")); dialog = new AboutDialog(this, _T("Dialog"), ar); // Register popup callback of AboutDialog class to a menu of ID_ABOUT. addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_ABOUT, dialog, (Callback)&AboutDialog::popup, NULL); } ~MainView() { delete dialog; } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNfocusId | Specify a control id to get a focus when the dialog is to be visible. |
XmNtemplateName | Specify template name of dialog. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ModelessDialog.h> #include <sol\PushButton.h> #include <sol\TextField.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { //Define a subclass which inherits ModelessDialog. class FileNameDialog :public ModelessDialog { PushButton* ok; TextField* name; void doclose(Action& action) { // Do something here when ok is clicked. } public: FileNameDialog(View* parent, const TCHAR* title, Args& args) :ModelessDialog(parent, title, args.set(XmNtemplateName, _T("FileName")) { //Here, you can create instances from dialog template // in ModelessDialog. ok = new PushButton(this, getItem(IDOK)); name = new TextField(this, getItem(IDC_EDIT)); ok -> addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, this, (Callback)&FileNameDialog::doclose, null); //Register doclose callback to a button of IDOK. addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, IDOK, this, (Callback)&FileNameDialog::doclose, null); } ~FileNameDialog() { delete ok; delete name; } }; class MainView :public ApplicationView { PushButton popupb; FileNameDialog dialog; public: // Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; popupb.create(this, _T("Popup a ModelessDialog"), ar); add(popupb); ar.reset(); dialog = new ModelessDialog(this, _T("Dialog"), ar); // Register popup callback of PopupView class to the popupb. popupb.addCallback(XmNactivateCallback, dialog, (Callback)&PopupView::popup, NULL); } ~MainView() { delete dialog; } }; } |
Object | +--Window | +--View | +--CommonDialog | +--FileDialog | +--ColorDialog | +--FindDialog | +--ReplaceDialog | +--FontDialog | +--PrintDialog | +--PageSetupDialog |
Name | Description |
XmNextension | Specify a string for an extension of a file name. |
XmNaccessMode | Specify an open or save mode by FileDialog::OPEN or FileDialog::SAVE. |
XmNfileName | Specify a file name. |
XmNdirectory | Specify a directory name. |
XmNfilter | Specify a filter pattern string. |
XmNfilterIndex | Specify an index of filter pattern string. |
XmNdialogTitle | Specify a title string of FileDialog. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> #include <sol\FileDialog.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrolledText sctext; FileDialog filedlg; // Menu callback to popup the filedlg. void open(Action& action) { // Call popup method to show the modal filedlg. filedlg.popup(action); if (action.getResult()) { // If any file selected, load it into ScrolledText. sctext.load(filedlg.getFileName()); } } public: MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; sctext.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(sctext); ar.reset(); // Specify FileDialog::OPEN mode for an accessMode. ar.set(XmNaccessMode, FileDialog::OPEN); filedlg.create(this, NULL, ar); addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_OPEN, this, (Callback)&MainView::open, NULL); addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_EXIT, this, (Callback)&MainView::exit, NULL); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ColorDialog.h> #include <sol\Brush.h> #include <sol\PaintDC.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { COLORREF color; ColorDialog colordlg; //Eventhandler for WM_PAINT. long paint(Event& event) { PaintDC pdc(this); Brush brush(color); HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(&brush); pdc.ellipse(0, 0, 100, 50); pdc.select(prev); return 0L; } //Callback to popup the colordlg. void setColor(Action& action) { //Popup the colordlg. colordlg.popup(action); //Get a selected color from the colordlg. color = colordlg.getRGBResult(); //Cause WM_PAINT by invalidating this window. update(NULL); } public: MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { color = RGB(0, 0, 255); Args ar; colordlg.create(this, _T(""), ar); addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_COLOR, this, (Callback)&MainView::setColor, null); addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNflags | Specify a search direction by FR_DOWN or FR_UP. |
XmNfindString | Specify a string to find. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> #include <sol\FindDialog.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { UINT findMsg; ScrolledText text; FindDialog findDialog; //Eventhandler for the findMsg Event. long search(Event& event) { DWORD flag = findDialog.getFlag(); TCHAR* find = findDialog.getFindString(); if(strlen(find) > 0 && (flag & FR_DOWN)) { //Do search find string in text. } else { // FR_UP case is not supported. MessageBeep(-1); } return 0L; } //Menu callback to popup the findDialog. void find(Action& action) { if(!findDialog.isWindow()) { findDialog.find(_T("")); } } public: //Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNnoHideSel, True); text.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(text); //Register a message of FINDMSSGSTRING. findMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(FINDMSGSTRING); ar.reset(); ar.set(XmNflags, FR_DOWN); findDialog.create(this, _T(""), ar); //Register find callback to popup the findDialog. addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_FIND, this, (Callback)&MainView::find, null); //Register search eventhandler to kick a real search operation. addEventHandler(findMsg, this, (Handler)&MainView::search, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNflags | Specify a find and replace operation by FR_*. |
XmNfindString | Specify a string to find. |
XmNreplaceString | Specify a string to replace. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> #include <sol\ReplaceDialog.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { UINT findMsg; ScrolledText text; ReplaceDialog replaceDialog; //Eventhandler for the findMsg Event. long search(Event& event) { Args ar; TCHAR* find = null; TCHAR* replace = null; ulong flags; ar.set(XmNflags, (void*)&flags); ar.set(XmNfindString, (TCHAR**)&find); ar.set(XmNreplaceString, (TCHAR**)&replace); replaceDialog.getValues(ar); if (flags & FR_DIALOGTERM) { // cancel return 0L; } if (flags & FR_FINDNEXT) { // find next } if (flags & FR_REPLACE) { // replace and find next } if (flags & FR_REPLACEALL) { // replace all } return 0L; } //Menu callback to popup the replaceDialog. void replace(Action& action) { if(!replaceDialog.isWindow()) { // Popup the replaceDialog replaceDialog.replace(_T(""), _T("")); } } public: //Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNnoHideSel, True); text.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(text); //Register a message of FINDMSSGSTRING. findMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(FINDMSGSTRING); ar.reset(); replaceDialog.create(this, _T(""), ar); //Register replace callback to popup the replaceDialog. addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_REPLACE, this, (Callback)&MainView::replace, null); //Register search eventhandler to start a find-replace operation. addEventHandler(findMsg, this, (Handler)&MainView::search, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNflags | Specify a type or effect of font by CF_*. |
XmNtype | Specify a type of font(default value is SCREEN_FONTTYPE). |
XmNminimum | Specify a minimum size of font. |
XmNmaximum | Specify a maximum size of font. |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> #include <sol\FontDialog.h> #include <sol\Font.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrolledText text; FontDialog fontDialog; Font* font; //Menu callback to popup the fontDialog and set a font to the text. void setFont(Action& action) { fontDialog.popup(action); if (action.getResult()) { delete font; font = fontDialog.getFont(); text.setFont(font); } } public: //Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { font = null; Args ar; ar.set(XmNnoHideSel, True); text.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(text); ar.reset(); fontDialog.create(this, NULL, ar); //Register setFont callback to popup the fontDialog. addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_SETFONT, this, (Callback)&MainView::setFont, null); } ~MainView() { delete font; } }; } |
Name | Description |
XmNflags | Specify a flag by PD_*(default value is PD_RETURNDC). |
XmNdc | Specify a device context(used in getValues). |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PrintDialog.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { PrintDialog printDialog; //Menu callback to popup the printDialog and print a text. void print(Action& action) { printDialog.popup(action); if (action.getResult()) { HDC hdc = printDialog.getDC(); DOCINFO docInfo; memset(&docInfo, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO)); docInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO); docInfo.lpszDocName = "Text"; StartDoc(hdc, &docInfo); StartPage(hdc); TCHAR* text = _T("Hello world"); TextOut(hdc, 200, 200, text, strlen(text)); EndPage(hdc); EndDoc(hdc); } } public: //Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; printDialog.create(this,_T(""), ar); //Register print callback to popup the printDialog. addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_PRINT, this, (Callback)&MainView::print, null); } }; } |
Name | Description |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> #include <sol\PageSetupDialog.h> #include "resource.h" namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrolledText text; PageSetupDialog pageSetup; //Menu callback to popup the pageSetup. void setup(Action& action) { pageSetup.popup(action); if(action.getResult()) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("PageSetup OK"), _T("Sample"), MB_OK); } } public: //Constructor MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* name, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, name, args) { Args ar; ar.set(XmNexStyle, (ulong)WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES); text.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(text); ar.reset(); pageSetup.create(this, _T(""), ar); //Register setup callback to popup the pageSetup. addCallback(XmNmenuCallback, ID_OPTION_SETUP, this, (Callback)&MainView::setup, null); } }; } |
Object | +--Resource | +--GdiObject | +--StockObject | +--Pen | +--Brush | +--Font | +--Bitmap | +--DIBitmap |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PaintDC.h> #include <sol\StockObject.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { // Eventhandler to handle WM_PAINT event. long paint(Event& event) { //Create an instance of PaintDC. PaintDC pdc(this); RECT r; getClientRect(&r); int w = r.right-r.left; int h = r.bottom-r.top; //Create a hollow brush. StockObject pen(HOLLOW_BRUSH); //Select the pen for PaintDC. HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(&pen); //Draw a rectangle. pdc.rectangle(10, 10, w-20, h-20); //Deselect the pen from PaintDC. pdc.select(prev); return 0L; } public: MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, label, args) { // Register paint method of this class for the WM_PAINT event. addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\PaintDC.h> #include <sol\Pen.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { // Eventhandler to handle WM_PAINT event. long paint(Event& event) { //Create an instance of PaintDC. PaintDC pdc(this); RECT r; getClientRect(&r); int w = r.bottom/255+1; for(int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { Pen pen(PS_INSIDEFRAME, w+2, RGB(255, 255, 255-i) ); //Select the pen for PaintDC. HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(&pen); //Draw a line. pdc.moveTo(0, w*i, null); pdc.lineTo(r.right, w*i); //Select the previous pen to deselect the pen instance. pdc.select(prev); } return 0L; } public: MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, label, args) { // Register paint method of this class for the WM_PAINT event. addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\StockObject.h> #include <sol\PaintDC.h> #include <sol\Brush.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { // Eventhandler to handle WM_PAINT event. long paint(Event& event) { //Create an instance of PaintDC. PaintDC pdc(this); RECT r; getClientRect(&r); int w = r.bottom/255+1; StockObject pen(NULL_PEN); pdc.select(&pen); for(int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { Brush* brush = new Brush(RGB(0, 0, 255-i) ); //Select the pen for PaintDC. HGDIOBJ prev = pdc.select(brush); pdc.rectangle(100+i, 100, 200+i, 200); //Select the previous brush to deselect the pen instance. pdc.select(prev); delete brush; } return 0L; } public: MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, label, args) { // Register paint method of this class for the WM_PAINT event. addEventHandler(WM_PAINT, this, (Handler)&MainView::paint, null); } }; } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\ScrolledText.h> #include <sol\Font.h> namespace SOL { class MainView :public ApplicationView { ScrolledText text; Font* font; Font defaultFont; public: MainView(Application& applet, const TCHAR* label, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, label, args) { Args ar; text.create(this, _T(""), ar); ar.reset(); ar.set(XmNheight, (-30)); ar.set(XmNfaceName, _T("Symbol")); ar.set(XmNweight, FW_BOLD); //Create an instance of Font. font = new Font(ar); text.setFont(font); ar.reset(); defaultFont.create(ar); //Call a create method //Add this text to the defaultLayoutManager. add(text); } ~MainView() { delete font; } }; } |
Object | +--Thread | +--Pipe | +--Process |
#include <sol\Application.h> #include <sol\Thread.h> #include <sol\Stdio.h> namespace SOL { //1 Define a subclass of Thread. class StopWatch :public Thread { int seconds; public: StopWatch(int interval) { seconds = interval; } //2 Define a run method. void run() { int n = 0; while (n < seconds) { sleep(1000); // Do something here. Printf(_T("StopWatch %d\r\n", n++); } } }; } void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* appClass = _T("StopWatch"); Application applet(appClass, argc, argv); //3 Create an instance of your subclass of Thread. StopWatch stopWatch(10); MessageBox(NULL, _T("Thread starts"), _T("StopWatch"), MB_OK); //4 Call a start method of Thread class. stopWatch.start(); //5 Call a wait method of Thread class. stopWatch.wait(); MessageBox(NULL, _T("Thread terminated"), _T("StopWatch"), MB_OK); } |
Pipe(int buffsize = 1024); Pipe(Pipe& pipe); Pipe(Pipe* pipe); |
Process(const TCHAR* command, DWORD flag = DETACHED_PROCESS); Process(const TCHAR* command, Pipe& pipe, DWORD flag = DETACHED_PROCESS); Process(const TCHAR* command, Pipe* pipe, DWORD flag = DETACHED_PROCESS); |
void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { const TCHAR* command = _T("notepad.exe"); // Create an instance of Process class for notepad.exe program. Process process(command); // Wait a termination of the above process. process.wait(); } |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\Process.h> #include <sol\Thread.h> #include <sol\Pipe.h> #include <sol\Stdio.h> namespace SOL { // Reader thread in parent process to read an output from a child process. class PipeReader :public Thread { HANDLE hReader; Pipe* pipe; public: PipeReader(Pipe* p) :pipe(p) { } void run(); }; void PipeReader::run() { char buffer[256]; while (True) { unsigned long len = 0; len = pipe -> read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); if (len>0) { buffer[len] = Zero; String string = buffer; Printf(_T("%s"), (const TCHAR*)string); } else { break; } } } // Sample ChildProcess class to launch a child process. class ChildProcess :public Object { Process* child; Pipe* pipe; Pipe* dupPipe; PipeReader* reader; public: // Constructor ChildProcess(const TCHAR* command) { // 1 Create an inheritable pipe. pipe = new Pipe(); // 2 Duplicate a noninheritable pipe of the above pipe. dupPipe =new Pipe(pipe); // 3 Create an instance of Process, using a pipe to communicate // this parent and child process. child = new Process(command, pipe); // 4 Close the pipe. pipe ->close(); // 5 Create an instance of PipeReader thread to read an output of // the child process from the duplicated pipe of this process. reader = new PipeReader(dupPipe); // 6 Start the pipeReader thread. reader -> start(); // 7 Wait a completion of the child process. child -> wait(); } ~ChildProcess() { delete child; delete pipe; delete dupPipe; delete reader; } }; } void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { Printf(_T("Main() >>\r\n")); const TCHAR* command = _T("cgi.exe"); //Create an instance of Process class. ChildProcess* child = new ChildProcess(command); delete child; Printf(_T("<< Main() \r\n\r\n")); } |
Object | +--InetAddress | +--SocketSelector | +--Socket | +--SocketStream |
#include <sol\Application.h> #include <sol\ScrolledRichText.h> #include <sol\SocketStream.h> #include <sol\Thread.h> #include <sol\Stdio.h> #include <sol\StringT.h> namespace SOL { // Simple HttpClient program. class HttpThread :public Thread { ScrolledRichText& richText; StringT<char> host; public: // Constructor HttpThread(ScrolledRichText& text, const char* ahost) :richText(text), host(ahost) { } // Thread procedure void run() { //1 Create an instance of SocketStream. SocketStream socket(AF_INET, 0); //2 Create an instance of InetAddress by specifying host name //and port number. InetAddress address((const char*)host, 80); //3 Call a connect method of Socket to connect to the host. socket.connect(address); //4 Send a request data to the host. socket.printf("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); //5 Receive a response data from the host. int size = 0; char buffer[1024]; while ( (size = socket.recv(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, 0)) >0) { buffer[size]= Zero; // Append the received data to a ScrolledRichText instance. richText.append(buffer); } // 6 Close the socket. socket.close(); } }; //HttpClinet class class HttpClient :public ApplicationView { ScrolledRichText richText; HttpThread* thread; public: //Constructor HttpClient(Application& applet, const TCHAR* caption, Args& args) :ApplicationView(applet, caption, args) { Args ar; richText.create(this, _T(""), ar); add(richText); //Create an instance of HttpThread and start it. thread = new HttpThread(richText, "localhost"); //11/13 char thread->start(); } ~HttpClient() { delete thread; } }; } // Sample main void Main(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { static const TCHAR* appClass = _T("HttpClient")); Application applet(appClass, argc, argv); Args args; args.set(XmNclassName, appClass); HttpClient client(applet, appClass, args); client.realize(); applet.run(); } |
Client ListenerThread RequestHandlerThread | | bind | | listen | connect | accept | --------> | | | new RequestHandlerThread | | | | | send /recv | | <--------------------------------------> | |
#include <sol\ApplicationView.h> #include <sol\Thread.h> #include <sol\SocketStream.h> #include <sol\StringTokenizer.h> #include <sol\SocketSelector.h> #include <sol\Date.h> namespace SOL { // Communication thread to exchange a request and // a response between an http client and this http server. class HttpCommunicator :public Thread { SocketStream* socket; public: HttpCommunicator(SocketStream* sock) { socket = sock; } void run() { StringBufferT<char> buffer; // Read a request line. socket->readLine(buffer); // Read the rest lines, and discard them. while (1) { StringBufferT |